This article is a follow-up to an article I wrote about a budding entrepreneur. Here is the previous post. Please read the previous post and then read the following...
Today, I called this Mr.X(Name hidden for privacy) and came to know that there is lot of family pressure, against his business ideas and entrepreneurship and risk-taking-attitude. His father-in-law and brother-in-law are opposing for his venture, instead they are expecting him to go for a job.
There is no independence for this guy! What is this? It is his life! He, his wife and his son is a family. How can somebody else interfere in his life? well...hold on... This is Coimbatore...Coimbatore is an inter-dependent and dependent society. This is not west, I understand that...However - there is too much control on one's life.
Why should this guy listen to his in-laws? I guess, that is how it is! In fact, in-laws will help, if there is a need and no one would come forward...
In today's modern culture, there is no joint family culture, however there is a virtual joint family culture still existing in Coimbatore. Even though physically members of the family don't stay together in a same house, still they are together virtually atleast in decisions and for happiness or sadness.
This inter-dependency definitely does not help at all for entrepreneurship!! Hope this changes/improves.
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