Supplementing Your Income
If you've reduced your monthly expenses but still find it hard to save each month, consider additional sources of income�which doesn't always mean working a second job on the side. Look for income sources that are flexible, sustainable and enjoyable. Here are some ideas:
* Become a virtual assistant � Virtual assistants are individuals hired to perform duties online that don't require a physical presence, such as conducting research, designing websites, writing articles and making reservations.
* Start a home business � Turn your skills and hobbies into an additional income source. Home businesses are often inexpensive to start and easy to grow and promote via the Internet.
* Write a blog � Earning a little extra money can be as easy as blogging from your home. With free or low-cost blog publishing tools, you could turn a small time investment into extra savings.
Sourced from f e e e e d p i g
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