The outsourcing game is really missing something these days in Metros. The cost of living and business has become expensive these days in the metros like Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore etc., for all the software businesses - which work on onsite and offshore model.
This model is nothing but have very few consultants onsite for coordination and get all of the work done by the offshore team in India. That seem to become expensive in Metros too.
So now, industry experts feel that - now industrialist and entrepreuners are looking for investing in Tier II and Tier III cities like Coimbatore, Coimbatore etc., which is wonderful!
There are so many good colleges in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu and it can definitely serve the man power needs very clearly.
In the next three years time - we are looking for good amount of placements(including campus placements) in Coimbatore, new industries - especially software businesses. If you are a software engineer - you can find a job in Coimbatore very shortly.
Many manufacturing and service industry companies are looking upto IT businesses to help in their businesses - for higher productivity and in more revenue generation.
Also about the retention of the employees - it is more about keeping them busy with challenging work - It is the only way you can keep them with your company, and prevent them from moving to the metros. We cannot get deposit or have them sign in contracts etc.,
Anyway, Going great for Tier II and Tier III cities like Coimbatore.
Made In Coimbatore Team is very happy about this.
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