Thanks to The Hindu - A Newspaper publication and Ms.Krishnan(Hindu Article author) for photo and part of the article taken and pasted in Coimbatore Times for a good cause. Thank You...******
THREE YEARS ago a young man on vacation was cycling through the streets of Coimbatore when he came across a person sitting under a bridge eating his own waste. The stark desperation of the sight shook him profoundly and drastically altered the course of his life.
Today, 23-year-old Krishnan cooks and distributes food to at least a hundred people on the streets of Coimbatore. Each day he starts at 5.30 a.m. and ends at 10.30 p.m. offering breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Service his style leaves little space for anything else. He doesn't read the newspapers or watch television. He doesn't go out with friends or take vacations. But he can cut a kilo of onions in four minutes flat and make 100 different varieties of pickle. His fragrant, homemade `garam masala' has 30 separate ingredients in it. He regrets nothing.
A week after the encounter under the bridge, Krishnan, known to family and friends as Kishore, resigned from a high-salaried position with a leading luxury hotel in Bangalore. A position he had spent years training for and dreaming of.
"I felt I had unfinished work in Coimbatore," he says simply.
He returned home and told his anxious family that he intended to feed people on the street, who couldn't feed themselves. He began that very same day, starting with the man under the bridge.
We decided to help Akshaya Krishnan, as part of our efforts on helping downtrodden and under-privileged Coimbatore to build a New Coimbatore.
Read the above Article here
We have been helping with Rs.2500 for Akshaya, but we could not give anything for the past 2 months. Please help us for helping Akshaya by - Donating.... After donating, please send a mail to newcoimbatore@gmail.com, for our reference and records.
Here is a photo of our New Coimbatore Foundation members handing over the cheque to Akshaya Krishnan.

Thank You
hey good stuff mappilai..I have read abt Krishnan b4 :)..namma egroups-la yaaro post pannunanga..its good to c u guys doing a great job - good luck - dei naanum oru elai kulanthai da - feed me and sponsor me man :P