Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers Mr.M.K. Alagiri's 59th birthday was celebrated in grand fashion in Tamil Nadu Saturday, with DMK cadres organising community feasts and blood donation camps and distributing tricycles and sewing machines to the handicapped and the poor.
Commissioning �modern toilet complexes� in as many as 10 locations across the city for public use, Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers M.K. Alagiri conveyed his intentions to keep the ancient city clean and green.
Ahead of his 59th birthday celebrations on Saturday, Mr. Alagiri reaffirmed to serve the common man in all possible ways. �This is just a beginning. With the support of the people, the city will be given a new look,� he told reporters here on Friday.
M K Alagiri, who is in the midst of a controversy over his desire to speak in Tamil in Parliament, today said his "Tamil voice" would "definitely" be heard in the House.
"En Tamil Kural paralumanrathil Nitchayam olikkum (My Tamil voice will definitely be heard in Parliament)," Alagiri, son of Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, told reporters here.
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