Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Coimbatore Corporation Website Never Revamped and Obsolete!!!

Coimbatore Corporation website or is never revamped and it stays obsolete with lot of old data

So far, years together the website is old and obsolete to a maximum extent. Even when state government changes, there won't be much changes to the coimbatore corporation at all.

Here are some details about the website -

In the website, coimbatore history, coimbatore map, coimbatore population, coimbatore departments, coimbatore top elected and officials name and details, coimbatore corporation details, coimbatore street lights, coimbatore schools, coimbatore tender notices and details, coimbatore corporation budget, Jawarlal Nehru Township details, Online tax payment details etc., are provided. But most of the data is not up to date!

Government is wishing to make all of the governance electronically done - to make it as e-governance. It is wishing even common citizen's complaint can be sent to the government via e-mail or SMS and it seems to be enough. Corporation claims that immediate action will be taken.

All the wishes are like written in the beach sand. There is no action at all, to improve anything. Even the basic coimbatore corporation website is not revamped, how will e-governance be put in place for Coimbatore!?!??!

Pity situation for Coimbatore people - by coimbatore corporation!

- Coimbatore Machan

1 comment:

  1. Visit , Now its updated fully.
