The entire Coimbatore corporation administration is broadly divided into 2 district wings. They are deliberative wing and executive wing. Some decades ago,the deliberative wing had only limited controls over the administration with little powers.That now having democracy as the basis ,The deliberative wing has more powers to control the administration. For example the elected body not only formulates policy to be followed by the administration but also decides on appointments ,promotion ,disciplinary appeals etc .,and approve budget and expenditure.
Coimbatore Corporation deliberative wing consists of a Council with all the councilors as Members and 6 standing Committees. The elected council period is 5 years .Each standing committee has one Chairman and 5 members. The members of the Committees are elected by the council by secret ballot. The chairman of the each committee are elected by the members of that committee. The period of the office of the Chairman is one year.
Apart from these committees, two councilors are elected by the Council as members of the Tax Appeal Committee which disposes the tax appeals preferred by the tax payers.The Appointment committee consists of Mayor, Commissioner and Councilor elected by council as members.The same committee will function as Disciplinary Appeal Committee which disposes appeals preferred by the employees against the punishments imposed on them by the Corporation authority. The Council has powers to appoint committee on specific issues.The Act also provides joint committees to discuss issues common to 2 or more Committees.In the absence of elected council, special officer appointed by the Government will function as council and committees.
Executive Wing
The Commissioner is the Chief Executive of the Corporation.The Commissioner is appointed by the Government .Generally, an Officer of Indian Administrative Service is appointed as Commissioner. The Commissioner has over all control of the Corporation Administration. The MCMC act 1971 clearly gives several powers to the Commissioner to carry out all the functions of the Corporation. But his powers are restricted subject to the approval of the Council and the Committees as the case may be.
The entire Corporation administration is divided into several Departments. Each department is specifically assigned one or more functions .Each department functions under the control of a Class I officer .The Class-I Officers functions under the direct control of the Commissioner.
To assist the Class-I Officer most of the departments are having Class- II Officers .Also Each Department is having Class-III and Class -IV Employees.
The Different Department of the Corporation are given below:-
1. General Administration and Endowments.2. The Council wing3. Engineering Section(Roads & Buildings)4. Engineering (Water Supply & Drainage)5. Accounts section (w&d)6. Engineering Section(Electricity)7. Accounts Section(Electricity)8. Health Section9. Town Planning section10. Revenue Section11. Accounts Section(General)12. Tax Appeal Section13. Education Section
General Administration and Endowments
The General Administration is headed by the Assistant Commissioner who is on Corporation employee. Under him the following wings are functioning.
1. General Establishment Section2. Record Section and Stationery3. Treasury.4. Fair Copy Section
Apart from General Establishment ,works relating to endowments, rest houses ,Auditorium ,Kalyana Mandapams,Welfare Programmes and Elections are looked after by him. The Assistant Commissioner is generally assisting the Commissioner in the administration.
The entire Coimbatore Corporation administration is broadly divided into two wings:
Deliberative wingExecutive wing.
The Deliberative wing consists of a Council with all the Councilors as Members and Six Standing Committees. The elected Council period is 5 years. Each Standing Committee has one Chairman and 10 members. The members of the Committees are elected by the Council and the Chairman of the Committee is elected by the members of the Committee. Apart from these Committees there is one Appointment Committee consisting of Mayor, Commissioner and a Councilor elected by Council. In the absence of elected Council special officer appointed by the Government will function as Council and Committees.
Executive Wing: The Commissioner is the Chief Executive of the Corporation. The Commissioner is appointed by the government . Generally, an Officer of Indian Administrative Service is appointed as Commissioner. The Commissioner has overall control of the Corporation Administration.
The entire Corporation administration is divided into several departments. Each department is specially assigned one or more functions. Each department functions under the control of the Commissioner.
The different departments of the Corporation are given below:
1. Engineering Wing2. Health Wing3. Accounts Wing4. Revenue Wing5. General Administration6. Town Planning wing7. Ward offices (four)8. Education - Schools
Health Wing:
This wing functions under the control of City Health Officer. To assist the City Health Officer Assistant Health Officer, Medical Officers, Circle Sanitary Officers, Sanitary Inspectors, etc. are functioning.
The Accounts wing is functioning under the control of one Assistant Commissioner (Accounts) and to assist the Assistant Commissioner there are three Accounts Officer with functions as follows:
Accounts Officer (General) : General Fund transactions and General budgetary controlAccounts Officer (Treasury & Pension) : Looks after the treasury functions and pension payment.Accounts Officer (Water supply & Drainage): Water supply and Drainage Fund transactions and budgetary control for it.
The Revenue wing of Coimbatore Corporation is functioning under the control of Assistant Commissioner (Revenue) and the Revenue is generated from the following sources:
1. Property Tax2. Profession Tax3. Advertisement Tax4. Sunshade Tax5. Encroachment fees6. Rent, lease etc.
One of the sectors which attribute to the development of urban areas and the important factor is urban land use development. Unless, it is regulated with regulatory measures not only hapazard growth will erupt. With a view to control this the Government have enacted Acts and rules.
For Coimbatore city area, the "Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act 1971" has been enacted. This Act deals with the formation and declaration of public and private streets and the regulation of buildings.
The "Town and Country Planning Act 1971" takes care of regulating the land use pattern.The Town Planning wing is regulating the provisions of these Acts by.. by approving plans as per rule. Upto 1500 sq.ft. the plansare approved in the Ward Offices and for buildings morethan 1500 Sq.ft. the plans are scrutinised and approvedin the main office... By assisting Local Planning Authority in preparing detaileddevelopment plans for the thrust areas.. By detecting unauthorised constructions and to take legalaction against them.. By evicting encroachments.
Further the Town Planning wing prepares Project reports pertaining to Urban Development works and maintains the Corporation immovable properties and survey land records.
Planning permits are issued based on the following rules and regulations:
Building rules 1942Master Plan ruleDetailed development Plan RulesMulti Storeyed Building rulesParking Byelaw regulationsHeight restriction regulations.
Coimbatore city has been declared as HERITAGE TOWN because of the location of Meenakshi Amman Temple. To preserve the aesthetic view of the temple towers the Government have enacted regulations restricting the height of the buildings, to 9 Meters within one kilometer radius from the temple and to 15 meters upto the city limit.
The Council Wing
The Council Wing is functioning under the control of Secretary of the Council .This wing is responsible for the preparation of Agenda for the meetings of the Council and Committees. On the advice of the Committee Chairman/Mayor/Special Officer. The Secretary of the Council is responsible for convening and conducting the meetings of the Council/Committees.
The section is responsible for the naming the building and streets, conducting the elections of co-opted members ,members of different committees Chairman of Committees ,Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
The grievance petitions from the public are processed in this section. Secretary to Council is also responsible to make arrangements to celebrate all the functions of Corporation of Coimbatore.
The water supply and Drainage section is functioning under the control of the Corporation Engineer who is from the Corporation in to the cadre of Executive Engineer. One Assistant Executive Engineer and 6 Junior Engineer's are functioning under the control of Corporation Engineers .The Important functions of this section are:-
1.Extracting filtered water from different Head works and the protected water obtained from vaigai scheme and Distributing protected water.2.Digging maintaining and repairing of borewells and well water supply maintenance.3.providing protected water house connections and public fountains and drainage house connections.4.Supply of water to public toilets and pay&use toilets.5.Supply of water to unserved areas through lorries.6.Construction and maintenance of underground drainage system.7.Construction of open drains.8.Maintanence of Public and Office parks and Traffic islands.9.Maintanence of sewage farm at Avaniapuram and Sankimangalam
Complaints regarding sewerage & drainage will be attended swiftly
a) Blockage of sewer line - within one hour.b) Overflowing of sewer line - within one hour.c) Repair of damaged sewer line - on the same day.d) Removal of blockage in drainage - on the same day.e) Minor repairs of drains - on the same day.f) Major repairs of the drais - according to the time bound programmeg) De-silting of drainage - April to September.
Accounts Section(W&D)
The Account Section is functioning under the control of Accounts Officer (W&D) who is on deputation from Treasuries and Accounts Department. This Department is responsible for the maintenance of water supply and drainage Accounts, payment of salary to the staff, maintaining pension, gratuity account etc. The section is also responsible for the receipt of Grants and loans for the water supply and drainage schemes from Government. Accounts Officer (W&D) is also responsible for collection of charges of water supply and drainage.