Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pesticide Percentage in Coke and Pepsi Cool drinks - data from IMA

Pesticide Percentage (%) in cool drinks released from IMA recently.

1 Thums up 15.2%
2 Coke 13.4%
3 7 up 12.5%
4 Mirinda 10.7%
5 Pepsi 10.9%
6 Fanta 9.1%

If the Range exceeds 2.1%, then its very dangerous to the Human Liver. Results in Cancer!
So don't drink any brand from Coke and Pepsi!
This Message is from Indian Medical Association. Please pass it to all known persons in your e-mails Save Indians!!!.............Save Mankind!!

Source: Ponsgroup

1 comment:

  1. This data is a hoax.IMA is not equiped to make any lab results of this kind. Please verify before u post anything mate.
    BTW,The vegetables we eat and milk we drink contain more pestiside residue that any soft drinks.
