It is very difficult to acquire a customer to your place to buy your products. The next challenging thing to do is retaining that particular customer to buy your products more or less the same he was buying.
Here is an incident, I recently came across in Virginia, USA.
I went to a grocery store in our neighbourhood on a saturday evening and bought things for myself, and stood in the queue, which was really really long.
There were only three counters opened. It could have been easier to all of the customers, if more counters were opened.
When I was in the middle of the queue, I saw every customer seeing the length of the queue and giving strange shocking expressions, which was appropriate in fact!
One old lady who was having two milk items, saw this long queue and asked an employee - why don't you guys open another counter. The employee said - "we don't have any more cashiers madam. Sorry about that".
You know what that old lady said - "Well, this purchase of two or three items is not worth standing in this queue"!! and she stepped out, leaving her cart on the side!
Well the grocery stores company lost this customer and she will say this to lot many people, which is going to affect these guys' business!!
It is better the grocery store introspects and corrects themselves!!
These kind of mistakes happen, but it is better we correct them as a precautionary measure or corrective measure, whichever is applicable.
Note: the grocery store name is not exposed here!
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